Since getting their start in the early 80's, Vtech has been the go to company for innovative, learning gadgets for children. Since they got their start, the folks over at Vtech have been doing their best to develop high-quality, innovative, electronic gadgets that have been helping our children learn while also being fun, must-have gifts for every age group. With their award winning gadgets on the market like their Innotab, Vreader and the MobiGo, Vtech has been named the world leader in age appropriate learning toys. When I was given the opportunity to partner with VTech to review one of their amazing children's products, I couldn't say no. It's been my experience that finding age appropriate toys can be frustrating and a tiring experience. Most packages can be misleading with their suggested age groups so finding something to suit the age of the child or the special needs of a particular child can be tougher than it needs to be these days. With Vtech Toys, finding the … [Read more...]
Chapter books to read aloud to your daughter
Reading aloud to your daughter is one of the most important things you can do. Read aloud chapter books give kids the opportunity to hear a story read fluently, as well as introduces many different print concepts that are vital to reading independently. Need suggestions for great read aloud books to read to your daughter? Check out this list of chapter books series that your daughter will love! Chapter Books Series to Read Aloud to your Daughter Judy Moody Megan McDonald, the author of the Judy Moody series, did a wonderful job creating a character that young girls can relate to. Each of the Judy Moody books features a different adventure or mystery that Judy needs figure out. This includes real life adventures such as developing math skills with a tutor or trying to find a missing pet. Your daughter will love listening to you read about Judy’s adventures and eventually, she’ll love reading these stories on her own. The Rainbow Fairies Your daughter will love stepping into this … [Read more...]
5 Homeschool Curriculum Options to Choose From
Homeschooling your kids can be a very daunting task. You have to choose a curriculum, pick up supplies, lesson plan and more. It’s quite easy to get lost while doing everything. When it comes to choosing a curriculum, there are literally hundreds that you can choose from. Each one offers different styles of learning and different topics. Some are religiously based, others not so much. These 5 homeschool curriculums to choose from are usually considered homeschool favorites. Take a look and do your research to see which one is the best fit for your family. 5 Homeschool Curriculum Options to Choose From Abeka – Abeka is known as one of the best homeschool curriculums by far. They are very heavy on religion though so keep that in mind. Abeka usually starts their kids at age 2. One thing about the Abeka homeschool curriculum is that it is very drill based. You can choose homeschool with no guidance or their guided dvd program. Easy Peasy Homeschool – If you’re looking for a … [Read more...]
Roominate Kits, Great STEM Investments!
When I was a little girl I often allowed my imagination to run wild. Like many children, I had imaginary friends, played dress up and invited my neighborhood friends over to take part in games of pretend and make-believe. One thing I really loved doing during the days when my creative juices flowed relentless was building. If a friend had Lincoln Logs or Lego's, I was designing something or other; still to this day design has been a skill I've kept with me and passed on to my own daughter. When I was approached with an opportunity to work with Roominate to review their innovative engineering products for girls, I couldn't have been more pleased with at the chance! Most girls are discouraged in science by fourth grade. That is why I less than 5 percent of professional scientists around the world, are women. If you ask me, that is pretty pathetic. It is also a reson that groups like Girl Scouts, has created a lot of sly curriculum based off of STEM principles. STEM stands … [Read more...]
Summer Chore Lists For Children
The kids are out of school and now it is time to whip out this Summer Chore List For Children to keep them busy! Summer is the perfect time to work with you kids on growing more responsible with their belongings. It is also a great time to teach them to be a part of a team. Summer chore lists for children aren't designed to make your kids become your slaves They are designed to give you the ability to train your children for the future. As much as we want to think thy will be our babies forever, one day they will have to go out into the world and by giving them these tools now they will be ready when that day comes. Summer Chore Lists For Children Learn to do the laundry. This basic chore in life is one thing that your kids will all need to understand how to manage. For the youngest of your family, simply putting their dirty laundry in the basket may be their chore. For preschool and younger school aged children this would include sorting darks and lights before washing. We also … [Read more...]
Do I Really Have to Read Aloud with My Child?
Have you ever wondered: Do I Really Have to Read Aloud with My Child? Are you concerned that you are going to come across as "one of those " parents if you read to your children early? Or do you dread when your kindergartner is sent home with a new book nightly to be read aloud? Maybe you can feel the boredom or criticism from your older kids as you read to them. Instead of dwelling on these fears and bad feelings, move past them! Reading to your children has so many positive benefits. Experts speculate that illiteracy could be greatly reduced and possibly even eliminated, if parents would read three or more stories a day to their children. Children who are read to tend to be early, proficient readers themselves. They also tend to have a better grasp on language skills overall. Studies have shown that kids do not learn as well from videos as they do from a live, personal interaction, even if the videos and person are teaching the same things. With so much technology available to help … [Read more...]
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