Applying for colleges is a lot of work. One needs to complete university applications, financial aid applications, college admission essays, and, believe it or not, even an essay or two for basic different types of scholarships. OK, scratch that one or two-part; you really need to apply for over one hundred scholarships if you are serious about being proactive in tackling that college debt. Yes, you read it right. Scholarship applications do require that you write an essay, but it can be of a different type. Not all scholarships will ask you to write the same kind of essay. Basic Different Types of Scholarships We will take a quick look at some of the college scholarships with essays and what kind of writing is expected from the aspirants. College scholarships with essays about yourself Many scholarships would ask you to write a college essay about yourself that is also known as a personal statement. The scholarship committee can ask you to write an essay that will … [Read more...]
All About Unclaimed Scholarships
Every year thousands of dollars are spent by a family for the college degree of their child. The students spend hours to find scholarships that will help them to lower the cost. But how will anyone feel if he/she comes to know that billions of dollars go unclaimed each year? There are strong rumors that billions of dollars go waste in unclaimed scholarships every year. Well, this information is outdated and outright false. In reality, the majority of college scholarships are claimed as they get more applicants than they have money. Why do Scholarships go unclaimed? There is plenty of financial aid out there for the students, and unclaimed scholarships are not so common. But there are certain things which you can do to increase your chances of laying a hand on that unclaimed money. So let us explore the kinds of funds available, the reasons behind the unclaimed scholarships, and how one can benefit from these. Are there really unclaimed scholarships? Some scholarships really go … [Read more...]
5 Things You Think You Know about College Scholarships {but Really Don’t}
If you’ve been applying for college scholarships for a while, you may consider yourself a sort-of expert. The thing about scholarships though is that there is so much to learn that you may actually not know everything. These 5 things you think you know about college scholarships are incredibly important and could just be the difference between you (or your child) getting the help paying for college that they so desperately need. 5 Things You Think You Know about College Scholarships {but Really Don't} Only certain types of people can apply for a scholarship – There seems to be a huge myth out there that certain people can’t apply for college scholarships. While that may have been true many, many years ago, these days it isn’t quite true. There are so many scholarships available that just about anyone can find one that they qualify for. The majority of scholarships are contests – Again, another big myth is that the majority of scholarships have to be won. This couldn’t be farther from … [Read more...]
How to Keep Your College Scholarships and Deadlines Organized
If you’re busy applying for college scholarships, you know how hectic it can be to keep your deadlines and the different scholarships that you’re working on organized. Before long, you can easily find yourself buried in paperwork and missed dates. Keeping yourself organized during this time period is incredibly important and if you’re not an already organized person? You may find it hard. Learning how to keep your college scholarships and deadlines organized can be a huge help and just may mean the difference between being awarded one and missing out. Make a binder – The first thing that you should do is make two lists. The first should include all of the college scholarships that you want to apply for. The second should include the same information as well as the deadline, qualifying criteria, submission criteria and other submission info. You’ll also want to include any personal notes on each scholarship that you may want to personally remember. Print them both and keep them in a … [Read more...]
6 Tips for Applying for College Scholarships
Applying for scholarships this coming school year? If so, you’ll want to make certain that you present the absolute best application that you possibly can while still managing to make your application stand out among thousands of others. Take a look at these 6 tips for applying for college scholarships before you send your application in. You may have a bit more work to modify your application after, but in the end, you’ll be glad that you took the time. 6 Tips for Applying for College Scholarships: Be honest – First and foremost, be one-hundred percent honest on your scholarship application. Flat out lying or even embellishing a tiny bit can and will cause you to lose the scholarship (or worse) if you’re caught. Honestly really is the best policy and that statement is especially true here. Even if you have something negative that you need to let them know, owning up and taking responsibility is best. Check eligibility requirements – Before you even apply, you’ll want to make sure … [Read more...]
10 Activities that Look Great on a Scholarship Application
If you’re beginning to look at college for your student, you’re very likely finding out one thing: college is incredibly expensive. At thousands of dollars per semester, finding scholarships for your student is more important than most parents realize. Unfortunately, getting approved for or winning those scholarships isn’t always easy. Between applications that aren’t filled out correctly, applications that don’t offer enough information and the sheer number of students applying, you’ll have a fight on your hands to get the scholarships that you want. Here are 10 Activities that Look Great on a Scholarship Application. One way that you can increase your chances of getting a college scholarship is by making sure that you have plenty of activities on your college application. What type of activities? They can vary, but these 9 activities that look great on a scholarship application are all a fantastic place to start. 10 Activities that Look Great on a Scholarship Application Musical … [Read more...]
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