If you’re busy applying for college scholarships, you know how hectic it can be to keep your deadlines and the different scholarships that you’re working on organized. Before long, you can easily find yourself buried in paperwork and missed dates. Keeping yourself organized during this time period is incredibly important and if you’re not an already organized person? You may find it hard. Learning how to keep your college scholarships and deadlines organized can be a huge help and just may mean the difference between being awarded one and missing out.
Make a binder –
The first thing that you should do is make two lists. The first should include all of the college scholarships that you want to apply for. The second should include the same information as well as the deadline, qualifying criteria, submission criteria and other submission info. You’ll also want to include any personal notes on each scholarship that you may want to personally remember. Print them both and keep them in a binder along with your transcripts and other paperwork that is needed.
Start preparing early –
The second thing you’ll want to do to help yourself stay organized is to start preparing your scholarship applications early. If you wait until the last minute, you’ll find yourself rushing to send your applications in on time. When this happens, you may easily miss important papers that need to be included, important information that your application needs or the deadline altogether. Instead of rushing, give yourself at least 4 weeks before each deadline to work on each scholarship.
Put your phone to work for you –
Believe it or not, your phone can be an amazing tool for helping you keep your scholarships and deadlines organized. Download a to-do list app and use it as a second way to track which scholarships you’re applying for. Set alarms to go off a few days before deadlines to remind you. I wouldn’t recommend that you only use your phone, but as a secondary tracker, it can be a huge help.
Use a written planner too –
Writing things down is a fantastic way to remember those important facts that you need to. When you write it down, your mind “understands” that it is more important than something that you say out loud. For this reason, using a written planner can not only help you stay organized but can also help you remember those important dates.
We have this for you: scholarship-tracker
The biggest thing to remember when you’re learning how to keep your college scholarships and deadlines organized is that you will have to stay on top of things. Deadlines pass quickly and different scholarships will require different paperwork. If you’re not keeping on top of things, you will likely find yourself facing the first day of classes without the scholarship and financial aid that you desperately need.
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