Edit Post Preview(opens in a new tab)Benefits of Reading To Your Children Before Bed When it comes to putting your kiddos to bed, we all sort of have our own unique routine. Some just simply lay our children in bed, turn out the lights and that's that. Some sit there and tell a story, some read a book to their children. This is what I am going to be talking about today. I am going to be sharing with all of you a few things that show benefits for your children. Now, I'm not saying it is mandatory or that it is wrong if you do not read to your children at night. I just want to share some new experiences with you that maybe you haven't thought to do and show you how this could be beneficial for you and your child! Benefits of Reading To Your Children Before Bed 1. Enhances Vocabulary and Speech: Children learn by example! If you read to them before bed every night it will encourage them to speak better and understand things better. Reading books will help to … [Read more...]
5 Homeschool Curriculum Options to Choose From
Homeschooling your kids can be a very daunting task. You have to choose a curriculum, pick up supplies, lesson plan and more. It’s quite easy to get lost while doing everything. When it comes to choosing a curriculum, there are literally hundreds that you can choose from. Each one offers different styles of learning and different topics. Some are religiously based, others not so much. These 5 homeschool curriculums to choose from are usually considered homeschool favorites. Take a look and do your research to see which one is the best fit for your family. 5 Homeschool Curriculum Options to Choose From Abeka – Abeka is known as one of the best homeschool curriculums by far. They are very heavy on religion though so keep that in mind. Abeka usually starts their kids at age 2. One thing about the Abeka homeschool curriculum is that it is very drill based. You can choose homeschool with no guidance or their guided dvd program. Easy Peasy Homeschool – If you’re looking for a … [Read more...]
Do I Really Have to Read Aloud with My Child?
Have you ever wondered: Do I Really Have to Read Aloud with My Child? Are you concerned that you are going to come across as "one of those " parents if you read to your children early? Or do you dread when your kindergartner is sent home with a new book nightly to be read aloud? Maybe you can feel the boredom or criticism from your older kids as you read to them. Instead of dwelling on these fears and bad feelings, move past them! Reading to your children has so many positive benefits. Experts speculate that illiteracy could be greatly reduced and possibly even eliminated, if parents would read three or more stories a day to their children. Children who are read to tend to be early, proficient readers themselves. They also tend to have a better grasp on language skills overall. Studies have shown that kids do not learn as well from videos as they do from a live, personal interaction, even if the videos and person are teaching the same things. With so much technology available to help … [Read more...]
Homeschool Math Favorites
Are you planning to teach Homeschool? These are the favorites for Math curriculum if you are thinking about how you could possibly get started. These top books are the best way to start making your lesson plans. Check out our Homeschool Math Favorites. Horizons Math 2 - Workbooks 1 & 2 Horizons 2nd Grade Math Student Book 1 contains fun, entertaining lessons that include: counting and writing numbers by 1s to 100-999; using tally marks; recognizing ordinal numbers to 100, less than, greater than, or equal to; adding and subtraction up to four-digit numbers; and understanding inches, centimeters, linear and English weight equivalents. This full-color student workbook contains lessons 180 and perforated pages for easy removal. Horizons 2nd Grade Math Student Book 2 contains easy-to-teach, fun-to-learn lessons that cover: counting money; reviewing geometric shapes and colors; working simple word problems; understanding Fahrenheit temperature; recognizing area, perimeter, and volume; … [Read more...]
How To Homeschool With Little Ones At Home
Homeschooling is not easy. Let me say that again (homeschooling is not easy). This is especially true if you have older children at home you would like to homeschool, but you have smaller children as well. It is possible to be a good mom to your younger children, while allowing your other children to thrive academically. How To Homeschool With Little Ones At Home Go with the Flow Sometimes this approach does not work. You go with the flow, but the kids aren’t really having it. If you are helping an older child with school and a younger child needs your help, try stopping just for a moment. Often times the younger child just wants your attention. Give it to them for the time being and then move back to schooling. Explain to the older child that you are sorry for the interruptions, but the younger ones need you too. Open communication is key to help everyone in the house from becoming frustrated. Self Taught The great thing about homeschooling is that you do not have to be in your … [Read more...]
50 Ideas of Summer Fun For Kids
Summer is approaching and for those of us with kiddos, with them being out of school in the Summer time, we need things to help entertain them! Kids get bored easy, so constantly doing things in the Summer time can get very expensive. It's always really nice when you can come up with things to do that are very cheap or even free to do. These things are nice if you have multiple children or maybe you're going to be babysitting this Summer! Great to do and to have a lot of fun along with bonding with the kiddos! Here are 50 ideas of Summer Fun For Kids. Summer Fun For Kids: Go for a hike: This is more for older children, but it's always nice to go on a hike because it's like an adventure and you can see so much scenery! Make a scrapbook: You can make a scrapbook from older photos, or you can even start one in the beginning of Summer and add things throughout the Summer so you have one for this summer to remember! Catch Fireflies: I loved doing this as a kid, I would clean out an old … [Read more...]
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