Why the Solar System Free Printable Learning Cards? My Mom has always said “If kids learn through play, give them great things to play with.” She has always hunted out great things for me to play with that seemed to fit in the world of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. She fostered my love of science ever since I was two and walking around saying “I Hypopesize…”
This is something fun, free and great for teaching the littles in your life – Free “trading cards” that teach them about the planets in our solar system. Do not get hung up on the details on the cards and think your kids can’t understand them. 3 year olds can recite the states and capitols, if someone simply took the time to teach them! It is just amazing what little brains are capable of learning.
Trading cards are HOT with kids — I am still hanging on to my Pokemon stash so refer to these as “trading cards” and your kiddos will go crazy for them! I am sure you can find more trading cards on Pinterest. Something like these Solar System Free Printable Learning Cards are great to help you keep the littles etertained while waiting for that food at a restaurant or even when waiting for your turn at the Dentist! There is no “down time”, just time for quick learning opportunities that are just perfect if you are prepared! My mom always had a zippy bag in her purse that she called my “busy bag” – and changed it up often. You can do that too!
Get your FREE printable cards here –>VA Post Solar System Trading Cards PDF.compressed
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